
Editorial Services

As a poet, artist, and fiction writer, I offer feedback on poetry samples, short fiction, creative nonfiction, novel, comics, short graphic narratives, graphic novels, and multi-media projects. I am well-versed in literary projects as well as genre and children’s fiction. I have an especially strong passion for young adult, science fiction, fantasy, and speculative projects.

Contact me to inquire about projects, pricing, and references. I offer a wide array of services including copyediting, and more comprehensive developmental edits.

Illustration, Art, and Design

Check out my art page and social media. Contact me to inquire about projects, commissions and pricing.  

Sensitivity Reading

I offer sensitivity reading for poetry, fiction, nonfiction, visual, film, and multi-media projects.

Contact me to inquire about projects, consultations, and pricing. Pricing typically includes a comprehensive read+ one follow up session.  

Experiences I will read for:

Latinx, Afro Latina, Black, Native Spanish speaker, Dominican-American, child of first-gen immigrants, urban spaces